一套VI设计的主要内容:1。基本元素体系a .标志b .标准文字c .标准色彩d .标志与标准文字的组合。2.应用系统a .办公用品:信封、信纸、便笺、名片、徽章、工作证、请柬、文件夹、介绍信、账目、备忘录、资料袋、公文等。b .企业外部建筑环境:建筑造型、公司旗帜、企业立面、企业招牌、公共招牌、路标、广告塔、霓虹灯广告、庭院美化等。c .企业内部建筑环境:企业内部各部门的标志、普通标志、楼层标志、企业形象标志、旗帜、广告牌、POP广告、货架标志等。d .交通工具:汽车、货车、公共汽车、卡车、工具车、油轮、轮船、飞机等。e .服装:经理制服、经理制服、员工制服、礼仪制服、文化衫、领带、工作帽、纽扣、肩章、徽章等。f .广告媒体:电视广告、杂志广告、报纸广告、网络广告、路牌广告、海报广告等。g .产品包装:纸箱包装、纸包装、木箱包装、玻璃容器包装、塑料袋包装、金属包装、陶瓷包装和包装纸。h .公务礼品:t恤、领带、领带夹、打火机、钥匙卡、雨伞、纪念章、礼品袋等。一、陈列:橱窗陈列、展览展示、货架商品、陈列商品等。j .印刷品:企业简介、商品说明、产品简介、日历等。三。设计内容。名片设计(中国风)02。名片设计(西式)03。名片设计(中西风格)04。书写纸(空白)05。书写纸(横条)06。书写纸(正方形)07。信封(中式)08。信封(西式)09。公务包(中式)小)11。传真纸页眉VI设计12。笔记纸13。各种表格格式。文件夹15。公司专用稿纸16。贵宾卡17。宾客卡18。通过19。贴纸20。笔记本封面21。合同书封面22。项目书封面23。商业标签贴纸24。航空信封封面26。特别海洋报纸(对开本)4K)27。28号奖杯。纸杯VI设计29。文件格式30。办公笔31。电脑报告32。消息注释33。包装纸VI设计(单色)34。包装纸VI设计(双色)35。包装纸VI(特殊颜色)36。包装纸袋。手提包设计。39号磁带。包装标志40袋43。公司标志44。纪念旗45。模式标志46。竖旗47。小旗48。小弦旗49。大国旗50。表标志51。锦旗52。奖励旗53。纪念旗54。推广标志55。庆祝旗56。主题旗帜57。其他VI设计。男性行政人员制服制服61。女性行政人员制服。男性制作人员制服63。女性制作人员制服64。男性店员制服65。女店员制服66。男性展示人员制服67。女性展示人员制服68。男性服务人员制服。女性服务人员制服70。男性公共工程工作人员制服。女性公共工程工作人员制服。男性保安人员制服73。女警卫制服74。男性清洁制服75。女性清洁制服76。男厨师制服77。女厨师制服78。男运动装(第二季)79。女运动服(第二季)80。运动夹克(第二季)81。运动帽82。运动鞋。徽章84。领带夹85。领带86。围巾82。做一顶帽子90。工作许可证91。雨具(雨披、雨伞)92。其他VI设计。电视广告商标风格94。报纸广告商标样式95。杂志广告商标风格96。人事广告商标样式97。公司简介商标样式98。产品简介商标样式99。推广DM商标风格100。产品描述商标样式101。名片(回函)商标样式102。海报商标样式103。流行商标风格/流行设计104。幻灯片商标风格105。其他视觉识别设计。造型招牌(室内)107。造型招牌(户外)108。直板招牌设计109。水平招牌设计110。现场招牌VI设计。在柜台招牌112后面。霓虹灯招牌113。建筑屋顶招牌114。建筑楼层招牌115。骑马下楼招牌招牌117。悬挂招牌。帆布招牌。户外广告牌(路标广告)120。禁止停车标志。工地大门122。现场办公室。现场围栏VI设计124。网站标语贴纸125。现场行道树围栏126。127号拱门。其他VI设计。室内索引系统。户外指数系统0。符号指示器系统131。部门标牌132。总面积标志牌133。分区标志牌134。其他VI设计。工厂外观彩色丝带136。内部图像墙137。建筑外观标志样式138。大门入口设计。在反墙设计140后面。玻璃门彩色丝带设计141。公告栏142。踏垫143。垃圾桶。145.烟灰缸,室内精神标语墙,146。员工储物柜,147。环境颜色标志,148。其他vi设计,149。商务车,150辆。平板车,151辆。运输车辆,152辆。商务车,153辆。货车,154。货车,156。乘用车,157辆。机车,158辆。自行车,159。拖车头。高果162。起重机163号。水泥搅拌机164。展览场地设计。展览场地参观说明166。展览橱窗设计。展板VI设计168。舞台设计。精神堡垒设计170。商品展示架。商品展示架。照明规划173。色彩规划。动线规划175。其他VI设计。请装在信封里。生日卡(信封)178。贺卡(信封)。感谢卡(信封)180。圣诞卡(信封)181。贺年卡(信封)182。通用卡(信封)183。日历184。日历185。日历185企业VI设计的实际作用是什么?
1. 前期沟通:VI设计的项目意向。对VI设计项目进行前期的了解,和相关事务的洽谈。
2. 签署协议:VI设计项目合同。
3. 准备阶段:调查分析与方向确定。对企业和行业进行调查,寻找出最适合企业的VI设计和应用方向。
4. 讨论阶段:基本要素与设计发展,VI设计的范围。进行VI的具体设计,并对设计中出现的问题进行具体的方案调整。
5. 实施阶段:VI 手册的编辑、修正。将制成的VI制作成可供执行参考的VI手册,手册内容和包括VI具体的设计、尺寸、执行方式、执行注意事项等内容。
6. 完成项目:VI 手册及光盘交付。
7. 项目扫尾:引导客户对VI系统的实,际应用并协助客户推广。成功的VI再设计出之后,具体的实施也是关键步骤之一。
In accordance with the PRC contract law and the relevant regulations of the entrusted party a, party b accepts, entrust designing, after consultation, both sides signed the contract, keep execution:
A, the contents of the contract and requirements:
(a) content:
1 "four lodge a wonderful" brand logo.
2 "four" brand logo to lodge kangsheng VI design development.
List three specific design according to the appendix of this contract.
(2) requirements:
1, accord with "four" brand concept kangsheng accommodation.
2, shall constitute a binding complete VI design.
3 and overall design of the desired effect.
Second, the expenses
Logo design, VI design (including VI manual printing, binding) : the total cost of 80000.00 yuan (RMB ¥eight million yuan capital: the whole) (RMB)
Third, the payment
1 and after signing the contract, party a shall pay to party b is the total contract costs, i.e. RMB ¥50 40000.00 yuan (RMB), and poured the
2, VI, printing and binding handbook before, party a shall pay to party b, i.e. RMB ¥contract balance 40000.00 yuan (RMB 100,000 loses.
Four, the design time
Both parties agreed on time.
Fifth, both the responsibility and obligation
1 party b shall constitute a binding required by party a complete relevant design work.
2 party a must in the time agreed upon a company VI design work.
3 party a is responsible to cooperate fully with party b in stipulated in the contract, and in accordance with party a's work to provide related information. Party a provides information for copyright, messages, triggered by the legal responsibility, economic disputes should be borne by party a.
4 party b as the logo design, infringe upon intellectual property rights disputes or litigation caused economic losses to party a, party b shall be liable for compensation.
5 and the draft, party b shall provide party beforehand, after discussion, issue official design/copy and VI design manual.
6, according to the agreement of party a shall pay to party b under the contract costs.
Six, intellectual property rights
1, the party a under this contract, party a entrusts design fees before the design to party b, party a copyright works in this work are not entitled to any rights.
2 party a in the balance, not pay before unauthorized use or modify the design works using caused to party b, party b is entitled to rely on the infringement of copyright law of the People's Republic legal responsibility.
3 party a under this contract pay all fees, party b's works include marks, text, graphics and VI design content, all of the copyright of the intellectual property right shall be appropriate to party b, party a, including enjoy all the other per capita authorization or implement any infringement.
Seven, the responsibility of breach of contract
After signing the contract, both parties should be comprehensive performance of the contract,
Because VI design work is very difficult, not only need to work after a lot of stylist, and first-class, party b has started when the design in the overall performance of the contract, in view of this, a promise as early termination of the contract, party a shall pay party b undertakes to still GeTongKuan all obligations (both parties agree to terminate the exception).
If party b terminates the contract breach, the fees shall be returned to party a all.
Party a payment under this contract, party b shall entrust after all this agreement fails to submit the logo design works and the time of printing design, VI manual work as party b, party b shall return all the default design.
Eight, the parties for performance of the contract dispute shall be settled through friendly consultations, consultation fails, the parties any party to the chengdu arbitration committee for arbitration.
This contract is part of the contract, the contract yiji two copies, both parties hold one copy, signed by both parties, party a shall stamp date, to have equal legal effectiveness. Due to party b in this contract, party a support to design a commitment under this contract, in the design and implemented under the condition of the same price priority to party b contracting production