一、英语专业美国留学 关于读翻译硕士
第一个,你需要计划时间,安排语言考试,报考TOEFL 和GRE,这是申请美国研究生的敲门砖,也是你是否能够获得全奖的一个因素。
办理美国签证是前往美国最重要的一步,所以我们必须提前了解相关英语词汇,下在就为大家汇总了办理美国签证的常用英语供大家参考备用。 Admission Number(准许入境编号):表I-94上所用编号(在F-1或M-1非移民签证的情况下,则是I-20 ID印件上所用编号),供移民归化局(INS)查询此人时备用。也称身份编号(Identification Number)。
Alien Registration Number(外侨登记号码):简称A号码(ANumber)。本来是美国政府给予移民的身份编号(Identification number),在某些情况下,由美国移民归化局斟酌决定,这种登记号码也可能给予非移民学生和交流学者。不过,多数持有F-1、J-1和M-1签证留学 美国的学生没有A号码。
Arrival/Departure record (Form I-94) (表I-94,入境-出境记录):移民归化局文件,在美国入境地点签发,作为外国国民合法进入美国的证明。表上明确注明证件持有者许可在逗留的期限,或是 确定一个固定的截止日期(expiration date),或是注上D/S字样。D/S意为身份有效期(duration of status),允许证件持有者在美国逗留到达成业经批准的目的为止。
Certificate of Compliance(守法证书):付税情况审查记录文件,签发给离境外国国民,以证明当事人业已付清全部所得税。在一般情况下,F-1、J-1和M- 1非移民签证的持有者需要守法证书。守法证书也称离境签证(Exit Visa)或离境许可证(Sailing Permit)。
Certificate of Eligibility(身份合格证书):即表I-20 A-B、表I-20 M-N或表IAP-66.表I-20A-B和表I-20 M-N由同意录取该外国学生为正规全日制学生来美学习的得到承认的美国高等院校、职业学校或其他非学术性院校签发。表IAP-66(交流学者身份合格证) 则由组织该项交流活动的单位或同意其进入该校的美国高等院校签发。表I-20和表IAP-66均非签证,它们只是申请签证的先决条件,仅仅说明持有者具有 申请非移民学生签证的资格。
Change of Status (改变身份):即变换所持非移民签证的种类。改变身份务必得到移民归化局的批准。
Duration of Status(身份有效期):简称D/S。移民归化局在表I-94(参阅入境-出境记录Arrival/Departure Record栏目)上的用词,意为该外国留学生或交流学者在美国逗留的期限为完成一个(或若干个)业已批准项目的需用时间另加三十天。
Exchange Visitor(交流学者):持有J-1签证,根据某个交流学者项目来美从事文化、教育方面活动的外国公民。
Exit Visa(离境签证):参阅Certificate of Compliance(守法证书)栏目
Extension of Stay(延长居留期):签证持有者在美国逗留时间超过表I-94入境-出境记录所注明的截止日期须经移民归化局批准。
Foreign Student Office(外国留学生办公室):设在各大学的校园内办事处,负责为外国学生和交流学者提供帮助和咨询服务。有些地方称为国际服务办公室 (Office of International Services)、国际教育事宜办公室(Office of International Education)、国际交流项目办公室(Office of International Programs )等。Form I-20 A-B(表I-20 A-B):Certificate of Eligibility(身份合格证书)
Form I-20 ID Copy(表I-20 ID印件):签发给持有F-1和M-1非移民签证者,他们或是在入境地点领取,或是在美国境内获得这种身份时领取,用以记录与F-1或M-1学生非移民身 份有关的一切事项。对持F-1非移民签证的学生,表I-20 ID印件可纳入表I-20 A-B,成为它的一个部分。对持M-1非移民签证的学生,表I-20 ID印件则可纳入表I-20 M-N,成为它的一个部分。
Form I-20 M-N(表I-20 M-N):Certificate of Eligibility(身份合格证书)
Form I-94(表I-94):即Arrival/Departure Record(入境-出境记录)。
Form I-538(表I-538):持有F-1或M-1非移民签证者,要求延长在美国逗留期限、申请部分时间就业、从事实习或转换学校时,需要填写的申请表。
Form IAP-66(表IAP-66):由授权组织交流学者在美国活动的学校、单位、代理机构或基金会签发给安排在美国从事某项特定教育或文化项目的学生的表格。必须先得到这一表格才能申请进入美国所需的J-1交流学者非移民签证。
Full-time Student(全部时间用于学习的正规学生):正规入学、念满学校规定的全部课程的学生。一般情况下,大学本科生至少要念满12个学分课时 (credit hours)或学分(units),研究生至少要念满9个学分课时或学分。持有F-1、J-1和M-1非移民签证的学生必须在学年的每个学期(不包括暑 期)遵守这一规定。
Home-Residence Requirement(学成归国的规定):某些持有J-1签证的交流学者,在美国完成其交流学者项目后,必须回祖国至少两年,然后才有资格以移 民身份或者H或L类非移民身份(Hor Lnon-immigrant classifications)再来美国。
Identification Number(身份编号):参阅Admission Number(准允入境编号)栏目。
Immigration and Naturalization Service(移民归化局):缩写为INS.美国司法部所属的一个政府机构,主管移民事宜,并执行有关法律。
INS:美国移民归化局(U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service)的缩写。
Notarization(公证):由一名执行公务的官员(在美国称为公证人notary public)出具的证明,证明某个文件、声明、报告书或签名的真实可靠。
Part-time Employment(部分时间就业):每周工作时间达20小时的有偿就业。持M-1签证的外国学生不得从事部分时间就业。在某种情况下,可以允许学习时 间超过一年并取得优良成绩的持F-1签证的外国学生从事部分时间就业,也可允许持J-1签证的'交流学者从事部分时间就业。
Part-time Student(只有部分时间用于学习的非正规学生):正规注册入学,但所修课程少于正规学生应修的全部课程的学生(参阅Full-time Student、正规学生栏目)。不允许外国留学生仅用部分时间学习,他们必须在学年的所有学期(暑期除外)念满学校规定的课时。
Passport(护照):一种正式文件,用以证明持有该文件者的身份和国籍,由一个国家的政府有关机构(诸如:外交部)发给本国的公民。有效 (而非过期)的护照允许持有该文件者出境和重新进入他(或她)拥有国籍的国家。在另一个国家签发签证的情况下,护照持有者可以在这一国家境内旅行。注意: 在美国的外国留学生和交流学者所持护照必须保持至少六个月的有效期。
Permanent Resident(长期定居者):得到许可在美国无限期居留的外国国民,也即移民(immigrant)。
Practical Training(实习):一个学生在其专业领域内从事的获得批准的全部时间的就业(full-time employment),可以是在一个教育项目执行期间,也可以是在该项目完成之后。具有F-1非移民身份的外国学生最多可以从事12个月的实习;J-1 交流学者最多可以从事18个月的实习,称为学业培训(academic training)。具有M-1非移民身份的外国学生,只有在他们的教育项目完成之后才能申请实习,每在校正规学习4个月可允许其从事1个月的实习。持 有F-1、J-1和M-1签证的学生都必须具备大学或交流项目主管机构的推荐书。F-1学生自愿从事实习(optional practical training)和M-1学生完成学业之后的实习(post-completion practical training)都必须得到移民归化局的批准。
Responsible Officer(负责人):按照美国新闻署(U.S. Information Agency)的规定,负责主管一个具体的交流学者项目的人员,称之为负责人(Responsible Officer)。此人应在诸如同意就业、延长签证期、改变J-1签证类别、转换学校之类事宜上协助J-1签证持有者。
Sailing Permit(离境通行证):Certificate of Compliance(守法证书)
Transfer(转科或转学):包括改换学业项目、学习赞助人和学习单位。学生要求开始一项全新的学业项目必须事先得到移民归化局的批准。仅 仅转换学习单位而不改变学业项目则不需要申请同意。但无论出于何种考虑,任何转科或转学都应事先征得有关学习单位外国学生咨询顾问的同意,并须领取一份新 的身份合格证书(Certificate of Eligibility)。
;三、美国留学 英文翻译
Dear Mom
Did you enjoy your summer vacation?
Here I have a good news
My visa to USA is passed
I want to talk about the arrival time to USA with you.
Please reply me as soon as possible,Mom.
Wish you
Good Health.
Study abroad
Nowadays, many people like to go abroad to study. Study abroad is often considered to be a very good chance. We can learn from different cultures and knowledge from abroad, study abroad can enrich our life. The shortcomings of study abroad may be in the life a person's cultural and economic influence. We Chinese if we go abroad and experiencing culture shock learning to live in another country. Study abroad students may spend a great deal of living expenses. Some China students in academic success, and so they won a scholarship at school. However, the majority of peers who did not receive the scholarship. In addition, they have many beat all difficulties and treatment of living away from their parents and homeland. For example, medical insurance, daily food, clothes, rent and transportation can produce a lot of the cost of living. Most of the time, they need to rely on their parents to pay monthly overseas. Life is not easy.
I am a person keen on thinking and experiencing. My lively character and vigorous energy have made me very active in extracurricular events in which I have sought an all-round personal development. Sociology Studies will provide me with the kind of constant real life thinking I have always craved, while helping me to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also my concern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue this subject for my higher education, as I believe Sociology Studies sums up a lot in the changing nature of society.
My education has schooling my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social events, inequality, identities, cultures and religious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I come from - China. I was practicing in the Chinese Hope Project during summer holidays and volunteered to investigate the issue of low educational attendance rate for female students in rural China with my tutor from my high school and that was a very good experience as it not only made me realise how traditional cultural influence could remain unchanged in some of those rural areas in China and also the way parents and children interacting. I always have wondered why for many Chinese students just like me, hundreds of them fail to choose what they really want to student and do as a career. Chinese parents are definitely having strange influences on their kids' decision making in terms of education and career or in the worst cases; the parents decided what their kids should do solely. My mother believes that I should go for Finance studies, while I clearly know that my interest has never been in the Mathematical formulas and numbers, I always find the diversities of societies, people, beliefs, cultures and the way people interacting together very fascinating. So, during this summer, my thoughts kept returning on why I worked so unsuccessfully towards studying finance and economics as my mother expected? And how can I truly become my own master by progressing a BA that I really like to engage more research and enrich myself with? How did all the cultural and beliefs affecting the way we acting the roles in the community? In which way an individual could actually build up and refine his/her identities?
In pursuing a Sociology degree, I seek answers to these questions. A thorough examination of the Sociology behind human behaves could reveal the beliefs, values and identities; it enables us to exam and understand ourselves better. While knowledge of Sociology will certainly benefit the social services providing, I also maintain a passion for Culture Studies for that same reason. Cultural behaviour study appeals to me because it tells us why we act in a certain way - under a cultural atmosphere. Also for being in the UK for 3 years, the knowledge about the outside world has given me a unique and balanced perspective to examine the reality of Chinese society too. In this historical epoch in which China is becoming closely integrated into the international community and playing an influence role in the world arena, I wish to gain insights into our society in its socio-culture aspects and to study how Chinese culture can respond to the globalization process.
By combining these thoughts into a good BA in Sociology degree programme, I can pursue my professional goal of doing education and community service work for the government and perhaps focusing in promote public welfare. My experience in the past in social practices has not only equipped me with an intellectual foundation for my future studies but has also supplied me with my career plans. In my eyes, China's several thousand years of history has given rise to the deep-entrenched rule by man instead of rule by law and nature. In dealing with such issues like economic development, poverty elimination and the promotion of law, the framing and application of government policies seem to play a greater role. Therefore, it is obvious that to contribute to public welfare and to national development, it is more realistic and useful to become a well-trained and well-qualified public administrator. In this lies the motivation of my application for an undergraduate programme in sociology at your esteemed department.
WanSheng High School where I was studying is a key provincial high school that attracts best students from every part of the province. In fierce academic competitions, I have managed to remain top-ten in my high school academic performance and was recommended by the school to Highbury College, Portsmouth to study my foundation course. I passed the foundation course successfully in 20xx and was an outstanding student of my class. I believe that my previous social practices activities and academic preparations have built a solid background for me to further my intensive and fruitful research in your BA in Sociology studies. After gaining knowledge of both Sociology and different cultures at the highly regarded University of Leicester, I plan to work for social services to use my knowledge of social human behaviour to aid members of the public.