中国十大女装品牌榜中榜/十大名牌女装1 哥弟女装(中国驰名商标,台湾名牌)2 only女装 (世界品牌,丹麦名牌)3 艾格女装(法国ETAM集团分支企业,著名畅销品牌)4 歌莉娅女装 (中国女装/秋装/夏装高知度品牌)5 太平鸟女装 (中国女装高知度品牌)6 Womre女装 (韩国名牌,知名畅销品牌)7 红袖女装Hopeshow (中国女装高知度品牌)8 太和女装 (中国女装高知度品牌)9 斯尔丽女装 (中国驰名商标,国家免检产品)10 千百惠女装(中国知名畅销品牌)
弧 田,秋水伊人,三彩,香影,古木夕阳,卡莎布兰
职业女装品牌:伊芙心悦女装(eveny)来自纽约的私人衣橱顾问,是美国著名职业女装品牌,她独特的将职业女性礼仪着装文化的三要素professional、elegant、fashionable融为一体。通过传播来自美国的最时尚最标准的职业女装穿着理念,使中国职业女性完善与世界经济之都同步的自我形象包装。宝姿(ports)女装该品牌始创于1966年的加拿大多伦多,如今宝姿时装深为中国知识女性的青睐,它以高贵、典雅、简洁大方为世人所欣赏,秉承了将古典与现代美有机结合,使“lessi *** ore”即愈简练、内含愈丰富的独特设计理念得以充分彰显。哥弟品牌女装源于中国台湾创始于公元1977年,本着将心比心,相辅相成的团队观,秉持物有所值、物超所值的诚信经营理念,开发并生产了多元化的品牌组合,裤装尤负盛誉。哥弟品牌服装孜孜以求的不仅仅是时装品味,更是人生的品味。菲妮迪finity女装具有综合的国际文化背景,崇尚“简约就是美”的设计原则,秉承finitynewyork对品牌文化的追求:其设计原理、面料、辅料的采用完全保持美国独特的高档职业休闲风格,集自由、潇洒、舒适、优质为一体,开创了简约时尚的新风格。珂罗蒂雅cordier女装是日本世界集团核心品牌之一,cordier每季都会带领流行的风尚与都会女性一同感受季节的百变魅力。今冬,珂罗蒂雅带领50年代怀旧,古典高品质感和60年代的摩登混合出现代感的精练、怀旧的英国风格,以及极富奢华和成熟感的色彩尽情演绎冷调时尚。萨侬高级女装,北京腾氏公司荣誉产品,集时尚与实用于一身,深受广大时尚女性的青睐。今冬,萨侬引进日本、韩国、意大利的高档面料,生产出走在时尚前端的套装、风衣、皮衣和大衣,采用当今黑、白、米咖、墨绿色等流行色,给冬季更添一份浪漫与自然建议你也可以考虑一些年轻休闲点的牌子:only女装是一个来自丹麦bestseller公司的欧洲品牌,该公司是欧洲最大的服装公司之一。only品牌始终拥有活泼、时尚、与众不同的形象,别具一格、富有 *** 并充满生机与活力,是流行、时髦、与众不同的女孩的最佳拍挡。veromoda女装是来自丹麦的著名品牌,总是站在世界潮流的前沿,为你营造与世界同步的都市时尚。欧时力ochirly—作为意大利的新锐品牌,欧时力代表着时尚、高贵、优雅,以其独有的魅力吸引著众多的时尚人士。“时尚专家,美丽顾问”是欧时力一贯的形象定位,指导其不断的倡导一种具有品牌特色的时尚生活。
你好,给你推荐推荐吧Only,TeenieWeenie,Burberry 都是不错的选择,欧美风格,尤其是衬衣,相当不错的。就国内那些花哨的女装,或是日式韩式的嘻哈风格,这些欧美风格的衣服可以称的上是简约了。 红楼,大丽菊还有江南布衣,裂帛属于民族风情。艾格周末 Etam WEEKEND 适合年轻群体:销售较好旳,ONLY、 VERO MODA,E-LAND,艾格周末,艾格运动,BASIC HOUSE,ONLY、 VERO MODA,E-LAND旳另一个时尚品牌SCAT,便宜旳就是那些一般一楼旳专卖了,班尼路,SK佐丹奴,真维斯,等等~fifi zass(菲菲萨斯),好象是来自美国的牌子吧,衣服蛮华丽的,也比较适合混搭。在中国销售的更多知名女装品牌榜中榜:迪丝平,斯尔丽,婕俪丝,香奈儿,范思哲,波司登,魅族,桑迪,周仕依林 ,播牌,欧时力,歌力思,美特斯邦威,圣玛田, 斯尔丽,雪歌 ,傲丝度 , 蝶苑,佳人苑,YUPU(玉璞)从今年的趋势来看1.上衣:本季上衣依旧以长身类当道,配以不同剪裁,如长款修身剪裁,长款宽松剪裁,蝙蝠袖剪裁等!颜色多以色彩亮丽的色彩为主!不同饱满度的黄,粉,红,蓝,绿,白,紫会成为今季的主导;图案纹饰方面多以大幅印花为主,配以个性小配件,彰显个性!图案纹饰还会采用多种不同方式展现,植绒,烫石,烫金,抹银,扎洗,翻转印花等!2.裤子方面本季还是牛仔会以铅笔裤为主要流行趋势!配彩亮丽的色彩!另外如以往猫须,破损,虎爪,等洗水外会多加雪花洗水元素!女生布裤方面会以军绿,迷彩宽版剪裁为主,增加另类配饰!!
TOP1:欧时力 在女装市场享有一定的知名度和美誉度,欧时力的目标消费群定位在成熟、自信、独立、高贵、大方的时代女性。她们大多接受过高等的教育,接受过高品位的文化薰陶,喜欢不断变化的生活和挑战,有着自己的生活方式以及对于时尚的独到体会和要求,将其品牌时尚、潮流、典雅欧式风情尽情演绎。"时尚专家,美丽顾问"是欧时力一贯的形象定位,能够充分满足当代女性的时尚需求,提供各种服务以及不断变化的尝试,为其打造丰富多彩,精彩纷呈的时尚生活,成为其提高自身美丽外在和内涵的殿堂。欧时力进入中国市场以来,更关注中国的时尚事业。 TOP2:ONLY ONLY是欧洲著名的国际时装公司丹麦BESTSELLER拥有的四个著名品牌之一。ONLY拥有许多设计师,他们遍布巴黎、米兰、伦敦和哥本哈根等主要时尚发源地,这使ONLY 永远站在欧洲流行的最前沿。ONLY1996年来到中国,BESTSELLER集团成立于1975年。 TOP3:艾格 艾格"ETAM"源于1916年的德国,这年,第一间以"ETAM"为名的零售店开业。到1928年,连锁店网络发展到了巴黎,并以此为基地,逐步成为法国乃至欧洲的著名品牌女装折扣店。 TOP4:秋水伊人 秋水伊人遵循这一理念,以20-35岁都市知识女性为顾客群,以这个人群的生活方式为根本,进行产品的设计与开发。而秋水伊人的设计师群体,则以此作为设计信念,以中性、优雅为设计风格,采用纱、棉、毛等面料,以精致的细节处理和艺术的工艺表现,运用多种如刺绣、结构化等手法,以丰富的色彩和完美的单品搭配,极力去体现时尚女性一种特有的韵味--知性、飘逸含蓄、大方和优雅。 TOP5:zara zara品牌之道可以说是时尚服饰业界的一个另类,在传统的顶级服饰品牌和大众服饰中间独辟蹊径开创了快速时尚(Fast Fashion)模式。随着快速时尚(Fast Fashion)成为时尚服饰行业的一大主流业态,zara品牌也倍受推崇,有人称之为"时装行业中的戴尔电脑",也有人评价其为"时装行业的斯沃琪手表"。在2005年,ZARA在全球100个最有价值品牌中位列77名,哈佛商学院把zara品牌评定为欧洲最具研究价值的品牌,沃顿商学院将zara品牌视为研究未来制造业的典范。ZARA作为一家引领未来趋势的公司,俨然成为时尚服饰业界的标杆。 TOP6:江南布衣 "Joyful Natural Beauteous Yourself"这4个单词很好的诠释"江南布衣":"自然、健康、完美"的生活方式。"江南布衣"以其独有的都市田园风格,赢得众多女性的青睐。风格浪漫、丰富、自然,色系与色彩沉稳雅致而不盲从流行,但始终时尚:材质多用不同肌理、风格的纯天然面料,枝叶花草成为标志性的装饰纹样,全情演绎与自然相融的理念;款式设计强调单品之间丰富、随意的可搭配性,为穿着群体提供了专业的服饰搭配概念的同时,更为她们留下服饰搭配的再创空间。 TOP7:VERO MODA VERO MODA是丹麦国际时装公司BESTSELLER集团旗下知名品牌之一。2001年VERO MODA进入中国市场,面向25-35岁女性的职业休闲装。经典中渗透最新的时尚感觉。简洁的款式突出优雅的女人味。为成熟的女性带来职业休闲装的新概念让她们上班和休闲场合都能......>>
E。land还有Tennie Wennie 更不用说,十几岁到三十几岁都可以穿,里边的衣服既可爱又休闲,真的很赞~
Calvin Klein不晓得有没打错,就是人们口中的CK,它旗下有个附属品牌叫Calvin Klein Jeans适合年轻人穿,这个品牌我也超爱~
红袖、太平鸟、H2M、only、vero moda、zara这些都不错
pen pal 笔友
Canada 加拿大
France 法国
Japan 日本
the United States 美国
Australia 澳洲;澳大利亚
Singapore 新加坡
the United Kingdom 英国
country 国家
Sydney 悉尼
New york 纽约
Paris 巴黎
Toronto 多伦多
Tokyo 东京
live 居住
language 语言
Japanese 日语;日本人
would 世界
French 法国人;法语
like 爱好
dislike 讨厌;不喜欢
post 邮件;邮递
office 办公室;事务所
post office 邮局
library 图书馆
restaurant 餐馆;饭店
bank 银行
supermarket 超级市场
St.=street 街;街道
pay 付钱;支付
pay phone 投币式公用电话
park 公园
ave=avenue 大街;林荫道
center 中央;中心
bridge 桥
mail 邮件;邮政
there 在那里
mear 在---近旁
across 横过;在对面
across from 在---对面
next 紧靠---的旁边;贴近
next to紧靠---的旁边;贴近;最接近
between 介于---之间
front 前面;前边
in front of 在---前面
behind 在---之后
neighborhood 附近;邻近
just 直接地;就;只;仅仅
straight 一直;直接
turn 转弯;转变方向
left 向左;左边
down 向下;下去;沿着
right 向右;右边
on the right 在右边
open 开着的;营业中的
market 市场;市集
clean 清洁的;干净的
quiet 宁静的
dirty 肮脏的
house 房子;住宅
welcome 欢迎
garden 菜园;花园
district 区域;地方
enjoy 享受---的乐趣;欣赏
walk 散步;步行
take a walk 散步
through 穿过;通
beginning 过开
tour 旅行;游历
visit 参观;游览
place 地方;地点
fun 愉快;开心
have fun玩得开心
if 如果
hungry 饥饿的
arrive 到达;抵达
way 路;路线;路途
take 乘;坐;搭
taxi 出租车;的士;计程车
airport 私人飞机;小型民用机场
pass 通过
hope 希望;盼望;期待
koala (澳洲)树袋熊
tiger 老虎;虎
elephant 大象
panda 熊猫
lion 狮子
penguin 企鹅
girraffe 长颈鹿
zoo 动物园
cute 可爱的;聪明的
map 地图;图
smart 聪明的;漂亮的
animal 动物
box 方格;方框
kind of 有几分
south 南;南方;在南方的;南部
Africa 非洲
bingo 宾戈
ugly 丑陋的;难看的
clever 聪明的;机灵的
friendly 友好的
beautiful 美丽的;美好的
shy 害羞的;怕羞的
other 其他的;另外的
sleep 睡;睡觉
during 在---期间
at night 在晚上;在夜里
leaf 叶;树叶
lazy 懒惰的;懒散的
meat 肉;肉类
relax 放松;休息
shop 商店;店铺
shop assistant 店员
doctor 医生
reporter 记者;通讯员
policeman 男警察
waiter 侍者;服务员
bank clerk 银行职员
hospital 医院
now 现在;此时
star 担任主角;主演
policewoman 女警官;女警察
nurse 护士
give 给;授予
get 获得;得到;购买;拿来
wear 穿;戴
uniform 制服
sometimes 不时;有时
in 在---期间;在(一段时间)之内
dangerous 危险的
thief 小偷;贼
late 晚;晚于通常时间
out 在外;向外
talk 谈话;谈论
station 车站;政府机关的署;局
TV station 电视台
police 警方;警察
police station 警察局
newspaper 报纸
hard 辛苦地;努力地
summer 夏季;夏天
story 故事;事迹;小说
magazine 杂志;期刊
young 年轻的,年纪小的
play 戏剧;剧本
news 新闻;消息
children 孩子(复数)
teach 教;讲授
skill 技能;技巧
sir 先生;阁下
clean 打扫;清除
read 读;阅读
on 通过;以---的方式
apartment 公寓;住宅
TV show 电视节目
sure 当然;的确
wait 等待;等候
wait for 等候;等待
toy 玩具
west 西;西方;西方的
activity 活动
shop 买东西;购物
mall 购物商场;商业街
pool 水池;水塘
camera 照像机
bird 鸟
rain 下雨
windy 有风的;多风的
cloudy 多云的;阴天的
sunny 阳光充足的
snow 下雪
weather 天气;气候
Moscow 莫斯科
Boston 波士顿
cook 烹调;煮
study 学习
bad 坏的;劣质的
terrible 很糟的;极坏的;可怕的
pretty 相当;很;颇
hot 热的
cold 寒冷的
cool 凉爽的
warm 温暖的;暧和的
humid 潮湿的;湿润的
wacation 假期;休假
on vacation 在度假中
take a photo 拍照
lie 平卧;躺
beach 海滩
look at 看;朝---看
group 团体;组
cool 令人满意的;绝妙的
surprised 感到惊讶的
heat 热;热度
relaxed 放松的;得到休息的
winter 冬季
scarf 围
everyone 每个人
have a good time 玩得高兴;过得快乐
man 男人;人;人类
Review of units 1-6
look for 寻找;寻求
talk about 谈论;讨论;议论
direction 方向
unit 单元
most 最
following 下列的;下述的
in order to 为了
improve 改进;改善
hair 头发;毛发
straight 直的;笔直的
tall 高的
height 高度
thin 瘦的
heavy 重的
build 体格;体形
like 像;如同
always 总是;始终
captain 队长;首领
team 队;组
popular 受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的
blonde 金黄色的
good-looking 漂亮的
bit 一点儿;少许
a little bit 一点儿;少许
joke 笑话;玩笑
never 决不;从不
stop 停止;终止
brown 棕色的;褐色的
person 人;人物
beard 胡须
glasses 眼镜
look 外表;外貌
remember 牢记;记住
pop singer 流行音乐
singer 歌唱家;歌手
not…any more 不再……
say 讲
nobody 没有人;没人
would will的过去式,表示意愿
I’d = I would
beef 牛肉
mutton 羊肉
cabbage 洋白菜;卷心菜
potato 土豆;马铃薯
special 特色菜
drink 饮料
large 大的;宽广的
size 大小;尺寸
bowl 碗;一碗的容量
he’d= he would
juice 果汁;果汁饮料
dumpling 饺子
tea 茶;茶叶
green tea 绿茶
rice 米;稻;米饭
soup 汤;羹
onion 洋葱
fish 鱼;鱼肉
Tel 电话
RMB 人民币
Mon. 星期一
Tues. 星期二
Wed. 星期三
Fri 星期五
reason 原因;理由
was is的过去式
did do的过去式
went go的过去式
visit 拜访;访问
test 考试;测验
What about…?---?---怎么样?
stay 停留;留下
at home 在家
have 做;进行;从事
do some reading 读;阅读
practice 练习;实践
regular 正常的;规则的;有规律的
present 现在时态的;现在的;目前的
mountain 山;山脉
geography 地理学
spend 度过;过
week 星期;周
yesterday 昨天
No.= number 编号;号
middle 中等的
middle school 中学
most 大多数的;大部分的;几乎全部的
go shopping 购物
had have的过去式]
saw see的过去式
talk 访谈节目;谈话;交谈;演讲
talk show 访谈节目
wrote write的过去式
song 歌;歌曲
go for a walk 去散步
sat sit的过去式
cat 猫
It is time to …… --该是---的时候了
wasn’t= was not
no 没有的;极少的
anything 任何事;无论何事
suggestion 建议;意见
New York City 纽约市
camp 野营;营地
summer camp 夏令营
museum 博物馆
guide 向导
central 中心的;位于中心的
didn’t= did not
exam 考试;检查
really 真的;是吗;真是的
rainy 下雨的;多雨的
were are的过去式
fantastic 极好的
unfriendly 不友善的;不友好的
awful 极坏的;极讨厌的
delicious 美味的
expensive 昂贵的;价高的
crowded 拥挤的
cheap 廉价的;便宜的
think of 思考;考虑
water 水
cry 流泪;哭泣
corner 角落;街角;墙角
make 使;促使;迫使
made make的过去式
feel 感到;觉得
walk 走;步行;散步
back 回原处;往回去
decide 决定;下决心
the Great Wall 万里长城
palace 宫殿
the Palace Museum 故宫
square 广场
Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场
Hutung 胡同
make 做;制作
classmate 同班同学
discuss 讨论;议论
report 报告;汇报
sex 性别
soap 肥皂
soap opera 肥皂剧
sitcom 情景喜剧
nothing 没什么;一个都没有
ha 哈
stand 忍受
mind 介意
king 君主;国王
How about ? ...怎么样?
fact 事实;真实事情
in fact 实际上;其实;确切地说
culture 文化
host 主持人
agree 同意;赞成
agree with 赞同;持相同意见’
belt 皮带
wallet 钱包
key ring 钥匙链
by 由;被
fashion 时尚;潮流
said say的过去式
article 文章
put 放;摆;装
idea 主意;想法
rule 规则
hallway 走廊;过道
classroom 教室
fight 打架;争吵
Ms 女士
outside 外面的;在外部的
dining 进餐;吃饭
have to 不得不;必须
else 其他的;别的;另外的
sports shoes 运动鞋
gym 体育馆
Dr= doctor 医生(缩写)
by 到---之前;不迟于
wash 洗;洗涤
later 后来;以后
the Children’s Palace 少年宫
no talking 不许讲话
loudly 大声地
Review of units 7-12
aceessory 配件;饰品
snow 雪
order 预订;点
opinion 意见;看法
Additional materia
order 订单;订货
服装店英文名 Elain鸡 读作“ 伊莲恩”,源自法国。意为“光亮的;年幼的小鹿”
Molly 读作“茉莉”, 希伯来,意为“海之女”
Hedy 读作“赫蒂”,源自希腊,意为“甜蜜,又令人欣赏的”
女装店铺英文名 BELLE 这是法语的漂亮的意思。现在很多店名都喜欢用法语,也更有时尚感。 或者用别的,比如FILLES(女孩),然后店名下面来一小句“Tu es très belle“(你很美)→这句话笛安的小说《芙蓉如烟柳如眉》的封面就有用,整个感觉很唯美。 主打时尚风格...
简单的女装店英文名 5分 BELLE
或者用别的,比如FILLES(女孩),然后店名下面来一小句“Tu es très belle“(你很美)→这句话笛安的小说《芙蓉如烟柳如眉》的封面就有用,整个感觉很唯美。
女装店铺英文名? 你好!
建议使用英文名字:Honey Clothes!
女装店英文名大气点的 最好不过 fashion。
求一个女装店的英文名 想了一些,请参考,语法可能不太对,但是名字嘛没必要一定要跟足语法的 Little Elf(小妖精)Smile Fairy(微笑仙子),要么Elf Shop ,Fairy Shop
好听的女装店英文名 girl'sgeneration
女装品牌名字有哪些 国产女装品牌大全,中国女装品牌大全?国产女装品牌大全,?中国女装品牌大全
服装店名起什么英文名 起你的名字 比如你英文名叫thea
女装店前面英文名是sweet的是什么店 紫淑 sweet basil
Chanel S.A., commonly known as Chanel (English pronunciation: /ʃəˈnɛl/), is a Parisian fashion house founded by the late couturier Coco Chanel, recognized as one of the most chic in the haute couture. Specializing in luxury goods (haute couture, ready-to-wear, handbags, perfumery, and cosmetics among others), the Chanel label has become one of the most recognized names in the luxury and haute couture fashion industry.[1] According to Forbes, the privately held House of Chanel is jointly owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer who are the grandsons of the early (1924) Chanel partner Pierre Wertheimer.
The company has had many high-profile celebrities as spokesmodels, including Catherine Deneuve (1970s Chanel No.5 spokesmodel), Nicole Kidman (early 2000s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), Audrey Tautou (current Chanel No.5 spokesmodel), and most famously, Marilyn Monroe (1950s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel) pictured splashing herself with a bottle of Chanel No. 5. The image is certainly the most famous of all Chanel advertisements, and continues to be one of the most popular advertisement photos in the history of marketing, used in countless biographies, and still selling in large quantities as a poster and art piece using Marilyn Monroe as the model.[2].
Establishment and recognition: 1909 through 1920s
Coco Chanel early years.In 1909, Gabrielle Chanel opened a shop on the ground floor of the Balsan's apartment in Paris - the beginnings of what would later become one of the greatest fashion empires in the world.[1] The Balsan home was a meeting place of the hunting elite of France and the gentlemen brought their fashionable mistresses along, giving Coco the opportunity to sell the women decorated hats. During this time Coco Chanel struck up a relationship with Arthur Capel, a member of the Balsan men's group.[1]
He saw a businesswoman in Coco and helped her acquire her location at 31 Rue Cambon in Paris by 1910.[1] There was already a couture shop in the building, and so Coco was not allowed in her lease to produce couture dresses.[1] In 1913, Chanel introduced women's sportswear at her new boutique in Deauville and Biarritz, France. She detested the fashions of women who came to these resort towns.[1] Chanel's designs tended to be simple rather than opulent in look (common haute couture fashion of the Belle Époque).[3] World War I affected fashion. Coal was scarce and women were doing the factory jobs that men had held prior to the war; they needed warm clothing that would stand up to working conditions. Chanel fossella's designs from this era were affected by the new idea of women's sports. During World War I, Coco opened another larger shop on Rue de Cambon in front of the Hôtel Ritz Paris.[1] Here she sold flannel blazers, straight linen skirts, sailor tops, long jersey sweaters and skirt-jackets.[1] Her fashion became known in 1915 throughout France for its simplicity. In the years 1915 and 1917, Harper's Bazaar mentioned that Chanel's name was "on the list of every buyer."[1] Her boutique at 31 Rue Cambon previewed simple day dress-and-coat ensembles and black evening dresses in lace or jet-embroidered tulle (she also piled cushions of feathers, fur and metallic fabrics on the sofas in the gray and amber salons).[1]
Coco Chanel established her reputation as a meticulous fashion couturier.[1] Following the fashion trends of the 1920s, Chanel produced beaded dresses.[1] The suit in two or three pieces created in 1920 remains a modern fashion look. The suit was advocated as the "new uniform for afternoon and evening as far back as 1915." 1921 saw the introduction of her first perfume Chanel No. 5.[1] Earnest Beaux created the fragrance for Coco and she named it after her lucky number 5.[1] The fragrance was a success. The signature scent was a result of her belief in superstitions. She was scheduled to show her collection on the fifth day of the fifth month.[4] Coco informed Harper's Bazaar, "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance", in 1923.[1]
[edit] Parfums Chanel: the late 1920s
Chanel No.5 introduced in 1921.Parfums Chanel[5] was founded in 1924 by Pierre Wertheimer to produce and sell perfumes and beauty products.[5] Theophile Bader (founder of the successful French department store Galeries Lafayette) introduced Coco to Wertheimer.[5] Wertheimer retained 70% of Parfums Chanel, while Bader retained 20%, and Coco a modest 10%.[5] Coco was forced to operate her couture business apart from Parfums Chanel.[5] In 1924, Coco also introduced her first costume jewelry which were a pair of pearl earrings, one black, one white.[1] Along with the success of her haute couture business, Coco expanded her "social desirability and her personal legend."[1] A new love interest in her life was the Duke of Westminster.[1] She introduced her signature cardigan jacket in 1925 and in 1926, the ‘little black dress,' and a tweed, inspired by visits to Scotland. Soon, Coco operated a boutique near the renowned Louvre.[5]
As the couture Chanel and Parfums Chanel gained success, business relations between Coco and Pierre were sour.[5] She resented the partnership with Pierre Wertheimer and believed she deserved more than 10% of the profits, and believed that the Wertheimers were exploiting her talents for their own personal gain.[5] Wertheimer reminded Coco that he had funded her venture, and that he had made her a wealthy woman.[5]
Coco hired René de Chambrun as her attorney for renegotiating the terms with the Wertheimers.[5] but this failed. The youngest model she hired was a teenager from her area, Meredith Annaline.
[edit] Chanel and Nazi affiliation: 1930s through 1950s
Evening couture dresses from Chanel evolved into an elongated feminine style.[1] Summer dresses had contrasting scintillating touches (e.g. rhinestone straps and silver eyelets).[1] Coco designed a line for petite women in 1937.[1] Throughout the 1930s, Elsa Schiaparelli was competing more strongly with the House of Chanel, but this was only a short term rivalry. Chanel premiered an exhibition of jewelry in 1932 dedicated to the diamond. Several of the pieces, including the "Comet" and "Fountain" necklaces were re-introduced by Chanel in 1993. When World War II began in 1939, Coco Chanel retired and moved into the Hôtel Ritz Paris with her new beau, Nazi officer Hans Gunther von Dincklage.[1][3][5] Only her parfums and accessories were sold in her existing boutiques.
When France fell under the control of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany in 1940, the Nazis made the Ritz their French headquarters.[1] Pierre Wertheimer and his family fled to the United States in 1940, and before Coco could take control of Parfums Chanel, Wertheimer made an "Aryan proxy" for the company.[5] Rumors spread that Coco was on good terms with the Germans.[1] Chanel biographer Edmonde Charles-Roux states that German intelligence sent her to "visit Winston Churchill as a part of a secret peace mission. Coco Chanel was arrested immediately after the liberation of France and charged with abetting the Germans, but Churchill intervened on her behalf and she was released."[5] When France was liberated after the fall of the Nazi Empire, many French people meted out punishments to French women who were believed to have collaborated with the Nazis. Coco Chanel was without a doubt a target after the rumors, and so she fled to Switzerland.[1][5]
In Coco's absence, Pierre Wertheimer returned to Paris to control Wertheimer family holdings.[5] Out of spite, Coco created her own collection of perfumes. Wertheimer felt his legal rights were infringed, but he wanted to avoid a legal battle and settled with Coco by giving her $400,000 USD, 2% royalty from all Chanel products, and gave her limited rights to sell her own perfumes in Switzerland.[5] Coco stopped making perfumes after the agreement. She sold the complete rights to her name to the Wertheimers for Perfumes Chanel, in exchange for a monthly stipend. The stipend supported her and her friend, von Dincklage.[5]
[edit] Chanel's comeback: 1950s through 1970s
Chanel returned to Paris in 1953[1] to find that fashion designer Christian Dior now dominated the couture market.[1] Coco re-approached Pierre for business advice and financial back-up.[5] In return, he gained complete rights to all products stamped with the name "Chanel."[5] Their re-collaboration paid off as Chanel became the top label in fashion again.[5] Chanel re-introduced the "Chanel suit"[3] and introduced the Chanel chain handled quilted leather handbags in February 1955 (The date is used as the name of the recently re-released bag, 2.55),[1] and her first eau de toilette for men, Pour Monsieur (which has also been marketed under the name "A Gentleman's Cologne"). Chanel and her spring collection received the Fashion Oscar at the 1957 Fashion Awards in Dallas. Pierre bought Badar's 20% share of the perfume business, giving his family 90%.[5] Pierre's son Jacques Wertheimer took his father's place in 1965.[5] Coco's attorney Chambrun called the now-gone-relationship as "one based on a businessman's passion for a woman who felt exploited by him."[5] He told Forbes, "Pierre returned to Paris full of pride and excitement [after one of his horses won the 1956 English Derby]. He rushed to Coco, expecting congratulations and praise. But she refused to kiss him. She resented him, you see, all her life."[5]
Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel died on January 10, 1971 at the age of 87.[1] She was still "designing, still working" at the time of her death.[1] For example, she designed the uniforms for Olympic Airways flight attendants (1966-1969), followed by Pierre Cardin. Olympic Airways was then one of the most luxurious air carriers, owned by the Greek shipping-magnate Aristotle Onassis. After her death, leadership of the company was handed down to Yvonne Dudel, Jean Cazaubon and Philippe Guibourge.[1] The House continued average success, and Jacques Wetheimer bought the entire House of Chanel.[1][5] Critics stated that during his leadership, he never paid much attention to the company as he was more interested in horse breeding.[5] In 1974, the House of Chanel launched Cristalle eau de toilette, which was designed when Coco Chanel was alive. 1978 saw the launch of the first non-couture, prêt-à-porter line and worldwide distribution of accessories.
Alain Wertheimer, Jacques son, took over in 1974.[1][5] Back in the U.S., Chanel No.5 was seen as a passe perfume.[5] Alain revamped Chanel No.5 sales by reducing the number of outlets carrying the fragrance from 18,000 to 12,000. He removed the perfume from drugstore shelves, and invested millions of dollars in advertisement for Chanel cosmetics. This ensured a greater sense of scarcity and exclusivity for No.5, and sales rocketed back up as demand for the fragrance increased.[5] Looking for a designer who could bring the label to new heights, he persuaded Karl Lagerfeld to end his contract with fashion house Chloé.
[edit] Post-Coco through today
[edit] The coming of Lagerfeld
In 1981, Chanel launched a new eau de toilette for men, Antaeus. In 1983, Lagerfeld took over as chief designer for Chanel.[5] He changed Chanel's fashion lines from the old lines to shorter cuts and eye capturing designs. During the 1980s, more than 40 Chanel boutiques were opened up worldwide.[5] By the end of the 1980s, these boutiques sold goods ranging from $200-per-ounce perfume, $225 USD ballerina slippers to $11,000 USD dresses and $2,000 USD leather handbags.[5] Rights to Chanel cosmetics and fragrances were held by Chanel only and not shared with other beauty producers and distributors.[5] As Lagerfeld took charge as chief designer, other designers and marketers for Chanel worked on keeping the classic Chanel look to maintain the Chanel legend.[5] Chanel marketer Jean Hoehn explained, "We introduce a new fragrance every 10 years, not every three minutes like many competitors. We don't confuse the consumer. With Chanel, people know what to expect. And they keep coming back to us, at all ages, as they enter and leave the market."[5] The launch of a new fragrance in honor of the late Coco Chanel, Coco, in 1984 maintained success in the perfumery business with Chanel.[5] In 1986, the House of Chanel struck a deal with watchmakers and in 1987, the first Chanel watch made its debut. By the end of the decade, Alain moved the offices to New York City.[5]
[edit] In the 1990s
Chanel's boutique on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California.The company earned the place as a global leader in fragrance maker and marketing in the 1990s.[5] Heavy marketing investment increased revenue.[5] The success of the Maison de Chanel brought the Wertheimer family fortune to $5 billion USD.[5] Product lines such as watches (retailing for as much as $7,000 USD), shoes, high-end clothes, cosmetics and accessories were expanded.[5] Sales were hurt by the recession of the early 1990s, but Chanel recovered by the mid-1990s with further boutique expansion.[5] 1990 saw the launch of ĹŹ. As the business trend was going about (buying up other fashion companies), Chanel—like Moët-Hennessy • Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada -- bought up numerous companies.[5] The House acquired Les Broderies Lemarié (a renown feather and flower craftshouse which provided embroidery for the haute couture industry),, A. Michael et Cie, and Lesage.[5] Chanel was also rumored to also buy the company Massaro.[5]
By 1996, Chanel bought gunmaker Holland & Holland. It attempted to revamp the guns maker but did not succeed.[5] 1996 also greeted the launch of Allure fragrance and due to its immense popularity, a men's version, Allure Homme was launched in 1998. Better success came with the purchase of Eres (a renowned swimwear label). The House of Chanel launched its first skin care line, PRÉCISION in 1999. That same year, Chanel launched a new travel collection, and under a license contract with Luxottica, introduced a line of sunglasses and eyeglass frames.
[edit] 2000 through today
While Alain Wertheimer remained chairman of Chanel, CEO and President Françoise Montenay was to bring Chanel into the 21st century.[5] 2000 saw the launch of the first unisex watch by Chanel, the J12, a style whose clean cuts and fusion of masculine and feminine elements formed a revolutionary watch, and a supposed cult-following in certain circles. In 2001, Bell & Ross was purchased (a watchmaker). The same year, Chanel boutiques offering only selections of accessories were opened in the United States.[5]
A Chanel boutique in Prince's Building, Central, Hong Kong.2002 saw the launch of Chance fragrance, with a scent of surprise and glamour. The House of Chanel also founded the Paraffection company that gathered the five Ateliers d’Art: Desrues for ornamentation, Lemarié for feathers and camellias, Lesage for embroiderer, Massaro for shoemaker, and Michel for millinery. A prêt-à-porter collection proposing their know-how was designed by Karl Lagerfeld. It is now traditionally presented each December. In July 2002, a jewelry and watch flagship store was opened on the upscale Madison Avenue.[5] Within the months, a 1,000sqft shoes and handbags boutique was opened next door to the Jewelry and watches flagship.[5] Out of everything that happened in 2002, the most shocking was the rumor circulating the fashion world, suggesting that Chanel was considering a merger with the renown luxury goods Parisian fashion company Hermès.[5] This would make Chanel and Hermès one of the most powerful fashion companies in the world the likes of Moët-Hennessy • Louis Vuitton. This brought the store count in the U.S. to 25 locations nationwide.[5]
To please its younger followers, Chanel introduced Coco Mademoiselle and an "In-Between Wear" in 2003. That same year saw such an immense popularity of Chanel haute couture that the company founded a second shop on rue Cambon. Continuing an influence in the Asian market, the House of Chanel opened a new 2,400 Square feet boutique in Hong Kong and paid nearly $50 million USD for a building in the classy and upscale shopping district of Ginza in Tokyo, Japan.[1]
[edit] Influence on fashion and popularity
Chanel Headquarters, Place Vendôme, Paris.Coco Chanel revolutionized haute couture fashion by replacing the traditional corseted silhouette with the comfort of simple suits and long, lean dresses[citation needed]. The years of the 1920s and 1930s will best be remembered as the era of Coco whose simpler lines of women's couture led to the popular "flat-chested" look of the 1920s.[3][6] Her clothing was relaxed and changed the way women dressed for outdoor leisure. Coco omitted corsets, liberating women and creating more comfort.[3] Contemporary Fashion states, "She dressed the modern woman in clothes for a lifestyle."[3] Coco is credited for making jersey (a soft elasticated knit used for undegarments) a new fashion fabric.[3] Her jersey dresses in navy and gray were cut to flatter the figure rather than to emphasize and distort the natural body shape.[3] These dresses were highly popular by wealthy women, and so she extended her range with them being manufactored by Rodier.[3] Chanel also incorporated ideas from male wardrobe into her designs.[3]
She had numerous other major successes that changed the fashion industry, including the ever popular Chanel suit, composed of a knee-length skirt and trim, boxy jacket, traditionally made of woven wool with black sewing trim and gold buttons, worn with large costume-pearl necklaces.[1][3] The hem of the suit is weighted down with a chain. Wealthy women around the world began to flock to her 31 Rue Cambon boutique to commission couture outfits from her.[1] The House of Chanel became an icon of elegance and from then on, the name "Chanel" became synonymous with elegance, wealth, and elitism, as well as the ultimate sign of French high class.[1][5] After the phenomenal success[1][3][5] of her perfume, Chanel No. 5, Coco Chanel's fashions became even more well-known and were purchased by the high flyers of London and Paris society alike. The financial gain from the fragrance also helped her company during difficult years.[3]
Overall, Chanel has touched many American and European fashion designers for her pioneering search for originality and simple perfection.[3] They "continue to re-inforce her concept of uncomplicated classics that inspire many contemporary designers' ready-to-wear collections -- an homage to Chanel's essential modernist styling and her legacy to the world of fashion.[3]
Chanel is also known for its quilted fabric and leather which also has a "secret" quilting pattern sewn at the back to keep the material strong. It was inspired by the jackets of jockeys. This material is used for clothing and accessories alike. The Luxury Line, introduced in 2006 featuring a metal chain embedded in the leather, was one of the most desired bags of the moment. Chanel still is popular because it mixes the trends of today with the class and simplicity it had when it first opened. The brand is currently headed by German-born designer Karl Lagerfeld, who also designs for the House of Fendi, as well as his namesake label.