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    发布时间:2023-03-25 13:39:02     稿源: 创意岭    阅读: 125        问大家










    1. don’t cry–guns n’ roses这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋…

    2. fade to black–METAllic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的前奏才去 学吉他 的!METALLICA经典中的经典,也是METALLICA饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~

    3. dreaming my dream–cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱 尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与 传说 的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的 故事 ,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中…(卡百利, 本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓)

    4. dying in the sun–cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴望在阳光下睡死…

    5. never grow old–cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~!

    6. far away from home–groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好的很…

    7. knocking on heaven’s door–guns n’ roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前是要听的奥。

    8. imagine–john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(或叫披头士)(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂热的歌 迷****打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和governme-nt,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星 是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗?

    9. yesterday–beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。

    10. let it be–beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是Beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。有时候生命的意义在于过程,至于结果就让它Let it be…

    11. it’s my life–bon jovi曾用来做CS的MTV背景音乐。

    12. that’s why(you go away)–meachael learns to rock半路在一家美发店的门前听到了that’s why (you go away)的钢琴版!!! 感觉很好,这样听起来That’s why就更经典了!


    1 《Realize》


    3《I See You》

    4《Day Too Soon》

    5《Need You Now》

    6《Stupid In Love》

    7《When You're Mad》

    8《The Climb》

    9《You Belong With Me》

    10《Welcome To My Life》


    1 Larger than life 相信后街的演唱曲目应该没有人拒绝吧。他们的歌曲,整整影响了一代的中国大学生!更多后街的歌曲:

    Get down

    I want it that way

    As long as you love me

    2 God is a girl 2005年德国新晋乐队Groove Coverage凭借一首Far away from home征服了全世界,富有震撼力和流行元素的音乐让你无法不爱上它们。更多Groove Coverage的歌曲:

    Moonlight Shadow这首歌曲的钢琴前奏超级有味道哦

    3 Never grow old如果你知道中国的王菲,那你就不得不好好听Cranberries的歌了,因为王菲的唱法可是他们的主唱小红莓哦!他们共同的特点就是:在不动声色中将一首歌演绎得如行云流水。在Zambie这首歌里你就可以感受到王菲的演唱风格,要耐心听哦,越往后越好听。

    Dying in the sun

    4 The day you went away这首歌不用我再介绍了吧,M2M的这首歌一度红遍大街小巷,台湾的王心凌可是凭借翻唱这首歌而在演艺圈崭露头角的喔!这两个女生的歌用来练习 英语听力 可是非常合适呢!更多M2M的歌曲:

    Pretty boy

    Mirror, mirror

    What you do about me

    Girl in your dreams

    5 Unwritten也许这首歌的名字你并不熟知,但是听听看……怎么样,熟悉吧,对了,就是林志玲做的潘婷 广告 的背景音乐。

    6 芝华士广告歌 我到现在也不知道这首歌的名字是什么,只是在看电视的时候,芝华士广告开始播放时,我顿时觉得:太有味道了!相信你也会马上喜欢上它的!

    7 Over the rainbow 这首歌被很多广告作为背景音乐,最近一直在中央3套播放的强生公益广告的背景歌曲就是出自这首歌!

    8 Rhythm of the rain 绿箭口香糖的广告歌,歌曲就像绿箭一样,清新而自然。

    9 Casablanca经典中的经典,百听不厌!

    10 Forever和Behind blue eyes这两首歌很忧伤,但却很耐人寻味。

    11 My humps Black eyes peas(黑眼豆豆)他们可是杰克逊演唱会的特邀嘉宾哦!


    1. 超级嗨的英文歌曲

    2. 超嗨超好听的英文歌

    3. 好听的英文歌曲排行榜2016

    4. 好听的英文励志歌曲

    5. 2016好听的英文歌排行榜

    6. 2016有很多好听的英文歌曲


    听到英文歌《Crazy In Love》,你是否会跟着它的节奏一起嗨起来呢?下面是我给音乐 爱好 者带来节奏超级嗨的英文歌曲,供大家参阅!

    超级嗨的英文歌曲Crazy In Love赏析

    《Crazy In Love》起初仅由里奇·哈里森和组合The Chi-Litesgt共同创作,里奇·哈里森预想该曲的节奏后,又选录了歌曲《Are You My Woman? (Tell Me So)》的片段加入该曲中。当他将他预调的节奏向他的朋友演示时,却没有得到赞许,他便等待一位合适并且赏识该曲的歌手来录制该曲。不久后获得了碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯的赏识,里奇·哈里森在录音室里为碧昂丝演示了该曲的样本,起初碧昂丝认为该曲的号角声过于刺耳。

    之后,里奇·哈里森独自历时两小时编写完成了该曲的部分歌词。碧昂丝也穿着邋遢的服饰一边撰写了该曲的歌词桥段,一边不停地哼着“I'm looking so crazy right now”,该曲的命名灵感就来源于她的哼唱,碧昂丝在创作时受到了她的镜中影的启发。该曲说唱部分的歌词由Jay Z于凌晨三点即兴撰写,历时十分钟便竣工 。

    超级嗨的英文歌曲Crazy In Love鉴赏

    《Crazy In Love》的前奏类似于1970年代的放克乐,无疑不为该曲增添了复古的韵味。碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯和Jay Z在该曲中的演绎精彩绝伦,不仅无处不体现嘻哈感,而且将他们别具一格的歌喉、才华、魅力、闪光点毫无保留地展现了出来,他们的“光芒”也始终没有互相遮盖,而是交相辉映、如虎添翼 。在音乐结构上,《Get the Party Started》的音调主要为D小调和F小调,歌曲内部被设有约每分钟100次的中速节拍乐器。作为录 唱歌 手,碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯的音域位于A♯3到F5 。

    超级嗨的英文歌曲Crazy In Love歌词(纯英文版)


    It's so crazy right now!

    Most incredibly, it's ya girl, Bee,

    It's ya boy, young.

    You ready?

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Yea, history in the making,

    Part 2, it's so crazy right now

    I look and stare so deep in your eyes,

    I touch on you more and more every time,

    When you leave I'm begging you not to go,

    Call your name two or three times in a row,

    Such a funny thing for me to try to explain,

    How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame.

    'Cuz I know I don't understand,

    Just how your love can do what no one else can.

    Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's

    Got me looking so crazy right now (in love)

    Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch

    Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss

    Got me hoping you'll save me right now

    Looking so crazy in love's,

    Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    When I talk to my friends so quietly,

    Who he think he is? Look at what you did to me,

    Tennis shoes, don't even need to buy a new dress,

    If you ain't there ain't nobody else to impress,

    The way that you know what I thought I knew,

    It's the beat my heart skips when I'm with you,

    But I still don't understand,

    Just how your love can do what no one else can.

    Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's

    Got me looking so crazy right now (oh crazy)

    Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch (you're in love)

    Got me looking so crazy right now (love!)

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss (hey!)

    Got me hoping you'll save me right now

    Looking so crazy in love's, (hey)

    Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

    I'm Looking so crazy in love's,

    Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

    Check it, let's go

    Young Hov y'all know when the flow is loco,

    Young B and the R-O-C, uh oh, (oh)

    Ol' G, big homie, the one and only,

    Stick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony, Soprano, (oh no)

    The ROC handle like Van Axel,

    I shake phoneys man, You can't get next to,

    The genuine article I go I do not sing though,

    I sling though, If anything I bling yo,

    a star like Ringo, roll like ??

    Crazy bring ya whole set,

    Jay Z in the range, crazy and deranged,

    They can't figure them out they like hey is he insane, (oh no)

    Yes sir I'm cut from a different cloth,

    My texture is the best fur, of chinchilla.

    (Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)

    Been dealing with chain smokers,

    But how you think I got the name Hova?

    (Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)

    I been realer the game's over,

    (Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)

    Fall back young, ever since the label changed over

    (Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)

    to platinum the game's been wrap, One!

    Got me looking, so crazy, my baby

    I'm not myself, lately I'm foolish, I don't do this,

    I've been playing myself, baby I don't care

    'Cuz your love's got the best of me,

    And baby you're making a fool of me,

    You got me sprung and I don't care who sees,

    'Cuz baby you got me, you got me, so crazy baby


    Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's (oh love)

    Got me looking so crazy right now (lookin' crazy)

    Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch

    Got me looking so crazy right now

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss (baby)

    Got me hoping you'll save me right now (baby)

    Looking so crazy in love's, (whoa!)

    Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love. (whoa!)

    Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's

    Got me looking so crazy right now (your love)

    Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch

    Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss

    Got me hoping you'll save me right now

    Looking so crazy in love's,

    Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

    超级嗨的英文歌曲Crazy In Love歌词(中英对照版)

    Yes! It's so crazy right now!

    耶 现在多么疯狂

    Most incredibly, it's your girl, B

    太难以置信了 你的女孩Beyoncé

    It's your boy, Young


    You ready?


    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    It's history in the making


    Part two, it's so crazy right now

    part 2 现在真是疯狂

    I look and stare so deep in your eyes


    I touch on you more and more every time


    When you leave I'm begging you not to go

    每次你要离开 我都苦苦乞求

    Call your name two or three times in a row


    Such a funny thing for me to try to explain


    How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame

    我感受到 是我的骄傲造成的错

    Cause I know I don't understand


    Just how your love can do what no one else can


    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your love's got me looking so crazy right now (your love)

    你的爱 让我看看有多疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your touch got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)

    你的爱抚 能让我立刻变得神魂颠倒

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now


    Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now

    你的吻 给予我希望 拯救我

    Looking so crazy, your love's got me looking

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy, your love

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

    When I talk to my friends so quietly


    "Who he think he is?" look at what you did to me


    Tennis shoes, don't even need to buy a new dress

    网球 鞋甚至不需要搭配新裙子

    If you ain't there ain't nobody else to impress

    没有人能够铭刻在我记忆中 包括你

    It's the way that you know what I thought I knew


    It's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you

    当我与你在一起时 我心宛如小鹿乱撞

    But I still don't understand


    Just how the love your doing no one else can


    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your love's got me looking so crazy right now (your love)

    你的爱 让我看看有多疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your touch got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)

    你的爱抚 能让我立刻变得神魂颠倒

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now


    Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now

    你的吻 给予我希望 拯救我

    Looking so crazy, your love's got me looking

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy, your love

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂

    I'm looking so crazy, your love's got me looking

    你的爱 让我神魂颠倒

    Got me looking so crazy, your love

    你的爱 让我飘飘欲仙

    Check it, let's go


    Young Hov, y'all know when the flow is loco


    Young B and the R-O-C, uh oh (Oh)


    O.G. big homie, the one and only (Oh no)


    Stick bony, but the pockets is fat like Tony Soprano (oh no)

    虽骨瘦嶙峋 但钱包却饱涨得像Tony Soprano

    The ROC handle like Van Exel

    ROC稳过Van Exel

    I shake phonies man you can't get next to


    The genuine article, I do not sing though


    I sling though, If anything I bling yo

    如果我珠光宝气 绝对让你气得上吊

    A star like Ringo, war like a Green Beret

    星星像戒指 像初战士

    Crazy, bring ya whole set

    太疯狂了 带动你周围的人

    Jay Z in the Range, crazy and deranged

    在老子的地盘里 尽情疯狂吧

    They can't figure him out, they like, "hey is he insane?" (Oh no)

    他让人捉摸不透 总被说:“嘿,他疯了吧?”

    Yes sir, I'm cut from a different cloth

    是的 我就是这么与众不同

    My texture is the best fur: chinchilla

    我的特征在于 灰色的毛

    I've been iller than chain smokers


    How you think I got the name Hova?


    I been realer, the game's over

    我曾大汗淋漓 现在已经结束了

    Fall back Young, ever since the label changed over

    跟着老子 让你变得非同一般

    To platinum the game's been a wrap, won

    到了白金 游戏结束 赢了

    Got me looking, so crazy, my baby

    你让我神魂颠倒 宝贝

    I'm not myself lately, I'm foolish, I don't do this

    我迷失掉自我 变得愚蠢 我拼命挣扎

    I've been playing myself, baby, I don't care

    我也会自我安慰 宝贝 我不在乎

    Cause your love's got the best of me


    And baby you're making a fool of me


    You got me sprung and I don't care who sees

    让我狂欢 我不在意是谁

    Cause baby you got me, you got me, so crazy, baby

    你令我神魂颠倒 多么销魂


    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your love's got me looking so crazy right now (your love)

    你的爱 让我看看有多疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your touch got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)

    你的爱抚 能让我立刻变得神魂颠倒

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now


    Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now

    你的吻 给予我希望 拯救我

    Looking so crazy, your love's got me looking

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy, your love

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your love's got me looking so crazy right now (your love)

    你的爱 让我看看有多疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy right now


    Your touch got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)

    你的爱抚 能让我立刻变得神魂颠倒

    Got me hoping you'll page me right now


    Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now

    你的吻 给予我希望 拯救我

    Looking so crazy, your love's got me looking

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂

    Got me looking so crazy, your love

    你给我爱 看起来多么疯狂


    2019英文歌曲排行榜是:《That Girl》、《Me Too》、《Samsara》、《Shape Of You》、《Heart beat》、《HandClap》、《Something Just Like This》、《Bikini Body》、《If You Feel My Love》。

    1、《That Girl》


    《That Girl》是由Olly Murs(奥利·莫尔斯)演唱,Claude Kelly,Olly Murs,Steve Robson作词作曲的一首歌曲,出自Olly Murs2016年发行的专辑《24 HRS (Deluxe)》。Olly Murs,1984年5月14日出生于英国埃塞克斯。




    3、《Shape Of You》


    《Shape of You》是艾德·希兰在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上的首支冠军单曲,于2017年1月28日拿下该排行榜首位,并成为公告牌百强单曲榜上的第27支“首周冠军单曲”,共计拿下12周冠军 。2017年8月,该歌曲获得美国青少年选择奖“最佳流行歌曲”奖。2018年5月20日,荣获2018美国公告牌音乐奖(2018 Billboard Music Awards)年度最佳电台榜歌曲。

    4、《Something Just Like This》


    《Something Just Like This》是由美国纽约电子音乐组合烟鬼组合和英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队合作演唱的歌曲,由Andrew Taggart、Guy Berryman、Jonny Buckland、Will Champion、Chris Martin共同谱写,酷玩乐队主唱Chris Martin担任歌曲主音。




    2、Counting Stars——OneRepublic

    3、Roar——Katy Perrt

    4、Wake me up——Avicii

    5、Radioactive——Imagine Dragons

    6、Blurred Lines——Robin Thicke

    7、Trespassing——Adam Lambert

    8、Glad You Came——The Wanted

    9、Whistle——Flo Rida

    10、Bounce——Sarah Connor

    11、He'sUndelievable——Sarah Connor

    12、Stronger——Kelly Clarkson

    13、On The Floor——Jennifer Lopez

    14、Love The Way You Lie——Eminem


    16、The Fox——Ylvis

    17、Baby——Justin Bieber

    18、Trouble Is A Friend——Lenka

    19、Die Young——Ke$Ha

    20、Love You Like A Love Song——Selena Gomez







